
Unlocking Hidden Treasures: Starfield Secret Chest Locations on Xbox

Starfield is finally here for us. The game is more than an intergalactic journey to find goods and kill the main villain. It seems like it is made for gamers to have a completely new experience of space travel itself.

There are dozens of options available for everything, from costumes to spaceships, from going to the planets and stars to exploring galaxies and fighting bizarre creatures. It seems like Starfield will compete with Giants of the gaming world within a few years.

Starfield has separate menus for different features to acquire in the game. It has skills and powers to unlock. The gamers are eager to know about the whereabouts of chests because this game has many secret chests included in it as well.

Curiosity kills the cat, and we don’t want our cat to be killed, so here we are to burst the balloon of secrets chests in Starfield.

Chests of collectibles are on almost every corner. A secret chest in an RPG is a form of collectibles that can only be collected once by a player. He won’t get a chance to see it or collect it again. It is like the pirate treasure.

Since Starfield was released for Xbox, the Xbox fans wanted us to cut open every aspect of this game but, most importantly, Unlock hidden treasures and locations of Secret Chests.

Read More:  Crafting a Starship from Scratch: A Guide to Shipbuilding in Starfield

Starfield Secret Chest Locations on Xbox

This game included many types of collectibles and gifts, like weapons, armor, Daily life consumables, Maps, machinery, and rare items. During the quests, these are hidden and only appear to be taken when a certain task is accomplished and a certain quest is completed.

The harder the level, the better the Reward. It totally depends upon the right location. If you are on better planets with higher difficulty levels and much resources and adventure, the higher the chances of getting a bigger and better chest filled with rare items you might have longed for.

How To Get Hidden SECRET Chests In Starfield - YouTube
Unlocking Hidden Treasures (Source – Youtube)

The following guide will help you with -+locations to find better Chests.

New Atlantis (Alpha Centauri)

New Atlantis is a perfect place if you want help with your machines, things related to technology, and  Blueprints.

Museum of Technology:

The basement has it all. If you happen to go to the basement of this museum, you can find some good tech Blueprints.

Mag-rail Underpass :

Mag-rail Underpass in New Atlantis has a maintenance room where you can find a chest to help you with Engineering purposes.

The Emerald Abyss (Alpha Centauri)

Deep in the Neon metropolis on Proteus IV, there’s a useful loot.

Underwater Lab:

To have some of Alien’s Artifacts, you need to find a lab in the depths of the Abyss. The chest for alien artifacts is there for you to have if you succeed in finding a sunken lab.

Subway Tunnels:

Give a deep check in the abandoned vehicles in subway tunnels for weapons and other armor available in the hidden chest.

Rheticus Yard ( The Settled Systems)

Rheticus Yard is a Scrap yard with destroyed mountains scenarios. It has machines and mechanical chests.

Mine Tunnels:

There’s a secret underground tunnel of mine for a rare craft chest. You just need to follow that mine tunnel.

Derelict Hanger :

Inside the Derelict Starship Hanger, it has a chest of spaceship upgrades and a Cargo crate.

Akila City (Akila)

This city has useful chests if you explore it.

Spaceport Back Alley:

If you want more Crafts and credits, you can search under the buildings near Spaceport.

Shepherd’s Shop :

There’s a muddy puddle that contains a chest of weapons mods and other useful armor behind the shepherd’s shop.

The Crimson Fleet (Barbican System)

This is an asteroid base and is used as a hideout as well; it has a secret chest hidden in it as well.

Main Astroid Hollow:

The Main Astroid Hallow area has a hidden room with a Smuggled Chest of rare items like rare arms and ammunition.

Unlocking The Secret Chests in Starfield

This game has a fun way to keep the chests behind the locks. You are not only supposed to find the hidden chest but also use your brain to unlock the doors to the loot. Using lockpicking with  Digipicks is one of the ways to unlock the loot. In Starfield, the puzzle is complex for chest opening. They have to slot their picks into a layer of circular locks.

The picks are supposed to be taken either by pickpocketing or by buying them from vendors, but you can get them in loots as well. Lockpicking is made fun of as a minigame to enter the free loot. Security Skills also play a good role in hacking advanced lock systems. The more your skills are leveled up, the more easy it will be for you to unlock the secret Chest in Starfield.

The Lock with various circles is given missing places for picks; you have to pick the right digipacks for the right places in the circles to unlock it.It is not as difficult as it looks like. We have shown a map of the Secret Chests and an easy understanding of how to open the locks for you. Now, it is your chance to unlock the hidden treasures in Starfield and ace the game. Don’t forget to share these locations with your fellow gamers as well, like we shared with you.

Author Profile

Zakriya Amir
Zakriya Amir
I am a friendly, confident individual with experience in journalism especially in the gaming sector. I have proven myself to be reliable having 6 years of successful career as a certified hardware and gaming enthusiast.
I am a PC gamer myself, which urged me to be in the game development market. I think working on one passion is always rewarding rather than doing anything literally for a living.

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