How to Complete The Great Hall Feast Event in Remnant 2

The Great Hall Feast Event in Remnant 2
Remnant 2 The Great Hall

In Remnant 2 The Great Hall is a location where mysteries unfold and challenges await. As you explore this location, be prepared to unravel hidden secrets, engage in puzzle-solving, and face formidable enemies and earn valuable rewards. The Great Hall is more than a location; it’s a central point where your skills, wit, and strategic prowess will be put to the test. Explore its depths, discover its mysteries, and embark on a unique adventure in the heart of Remnant 2.

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What is The Great Hall In Remnant 2

The Great Hall in Remnant 2
The Great Hall Feast Event in Remnant 2

The Great Hall in Losomn, Remnant 2, is a key location for players to explore. Although it lacks NPCs and merchants, it presents challenging puzzles for players to solve. The main draw is the events and puzzles, which offer valuable items and new traits as rewards.

You will face many enemies in the Great Hall like:

  • Fae Soldier
  • Melee Fae
  • Ranged Fae
  • Heavy Fae
  • Lantern Horror
  • Teleport Fae

 Engage in the mysteries of the Great Hall, conquer puzzles, and face formidable enemies to reap the rewards in Remnant 2.

Why Is The Great Hall Important In Remnant 2

Remnant 2 Great Hall: Locked Door
Remnant 2 Great Hall: Locked Door

In Remnant The Great Hall is a pivotal location that adds depth and excitement to the game. Its significance lies mainly in two activities that lead you to many rewards and thrilling experiences through your gameplay.

  • Great Hall Feast Event

    The Great Hall serves as a backdrop for the Great Hall Feast Event, where players can interact with an NPC, influencing the storyline and potentially earning unique rewards like quest items, and weapons by defeating waves of enemies in Remnant 2.

  • Great Hall Brazier Puzzle

    The Great Hall stems from housing the challenging Great Hall Brazier Puzzle, requiring players to solve intricate color-based puzzles for progression.

Let us discover how to complete Feast Event and Brazier Puzzle in order to earn rewards in Remnant 2 The Great Hall.

How to Complete The Great Hall Feast Event in Remnant 2

Remnant 2 Great Hall: Key to Open Locked Door in Feast Event
Remnant 2 Great Hall: Key to Open Locked Door in Feast Event

The Great Hall Feast Event in Remnant 2 is a side quest that players can undertake while exploring different worlds. Found in the Losomn World, specifically within the Great Hall dungeon, players access it through the doors in Beatific Palace once they’ve reached Losomn World. Engage in this side quest for unique challenges and rewards as you navigate the diverse realms of Remnant 2.

You need to open the Locked Ornate Great Hall Door, to begin with the Feast Event. When you unlock the door, there are many challenges waiting for you to complete the Feast Event in Remnant 2.

Open The Locked Door: Remnant 2 The Great Hall

To unlock the Ornate Door and kickstart the Feast Event in Remnant 2, players must first secure the Ravenous Medallion, a crucial quest item. Located within the underbelly of the Great Hall, specifically in a kitchen-like room, the Ravenous Medallion can be found near an oven amidst cooking paraphernalia. Once in possession of the medallion, players should utilize it to unlock the Ornate Door within the Great Hal

Initiate The Feast Event: Remnant 2 The Great Hall

Remnant 2 Great Hall: Eat Food to Initiate the Feast Event
Remnant 2 Great Hall: Eat Food to Initiate the Feast Event

Once you unlock the door, interact with the NPC sitting at the large table filled with rotting food. Eat any of the presented food to start the Feast Event.

Survive The Wave Of Enemies: Remnant 2 The Great Hall

Remnant 2 Great Hall: Survive the Enemies Wave in Feast Event
Remnant 2 Great Hall: Survive the Enemies Wave in Feast Event

To survive the waves of enemies in the Great Hall Feast Event of Remnant 2, players must consume rotten meat to activate the Ravenous effect. This initiates battles against various enemies including Fae Spearmen, Fae Archers, and formidable elites like Gullain Shamans and Iron Maidens Fae enemies and elites in successive waves, demanding strategic elimination.

Importantly, players are barred from using healing items or consumables throughout the event. Instead, they must feed on civilians in the room to restore health, resembling a temporary Ravenous state. To overcome this, consider choosing the Medic class for Wellspring healing or interacting with Dran NPCs in the room for health restoration. The Engineer class, with its deployable turrets, proves effective in this encounter. Cooperative play is recommended not only for enhanced strategies but also to unlock the Glutton Trait during the Feast event in Great Hall Remnant 2.

Once you survive the battle with enemies, return to the King sitting on the table to get your rewards for successfully completing the Feast Event.

Rewards From The Great Hall Feast Event

Remnant 2 Great Hall Rewards: Bonechoper
Remnant 2 Great Hall Rewards: Bone chopper

Upon successful completion of the Great Hall Feast Event in Remnant 2, players earn the following rewards:

  • Neckbone Necklace
  • Glutton Trait
  • Bone Chopper
  • Feast Master Signet
Remnant 2 Great Hall Reward: Neckbone Necklace
Remnant 2 Great Hall Reward: Neckbone Necklace

The Neckbone Necklace reward not only symbolizes triumph but also grants valuable advantages. The necklace reduces the damage of Status Effects on the wearer by 50%, enhancing survivability in combat. Moreover, it boosts damage by 25% when under a Status Effect or Blight, providing a strategic edge against foes using such effects. Additionally, hosting the event unlocks the Great Feast square on the Oracle of Dran’s quilt. In multiplayer, players can acquire the Glutton Trait by reviving a fallen teammate during the event.

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How To Complete The Great Hall Brazier Puzzle In Remnant 2

Brazier Puzzle: Change the Color of Ten Brazier
Brazier Puzzle: Change the Color of Ten Brazier

To conquer the Great Hall Brazier Puzzle in Remnant 2, aim to change the color of all ten braziers from purple to white. Indeed, despite the seemingly straightforward goal of changing the color of all ten braziers in the Great Hall, the puzzle’s simplicity is deceptive. The challenge lies in the cascading effect each brazier change has on its surroundings, creating a dynamic and intricate puzzle.

The varying initial arrangement of purple and white braziers adds an element of unpredictability, requiring a methodical trial-and-error approach. While the goal is clear, the puzzle demands careful observation, strategic thinking, and patience to decipher the patterns and successfully transform all braziers to white. The process may initially appear deceptively easy, but mastering the Great Hall Brazier Puzzle in Remnant 2 proves to be a more intricate task.

Remnant 2 Great Hall: Kill the Enemy to Get Reward in Brazier Puzzle
Remnant 2 Great Hall: Kill the Enemy to Get Reward in Brazier Puzzle

After successfully changing all braziers to white in the Great Hall Brazier Puzzle in Remnant 2, a door at the room’s end will open. However, the challenge doesn’t end there. Beyond the door, be prepared to confront multiple enemies before claiming your well-deserved reward. Keep your weapons ready, stay vigilant, and rely on your strategic wits to navigate the upcoming battle.

Rewards From The Great Hall Brazier Puzzle

Remnant 2 Great Hall Reward: White Spawn Ring
Remnant 2 Great Hall Reward: White Spawn Ring

After defeating enemies, go upstairs you will get your rewards on the left side of the room. The reward for completing the Brazier Puzzle includes the White Pawn Stamp Ring.

This ring reduces the Mod Power requirement by 10%, allowing more frequent use of weapon abilities in combat. Despite its seemingly modest impact, the ring significantly enhances gameplay efficiency, making it a valuable asset regardless of your progress in Remnant 2 The Great Hall adventure.


In Remnant 2 The Great Hall stands as a rewarding venture for players. With its intriguing puzzles, dynamic events, and hidden rewards, it serves as a central hub where challenges and mysteries converge. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of the Great Hall Brazier Puzzle or facing adversaries in the Feast Event, this atmospheric setting promises unique adventures for players to uncover.

Author Profile

Kanza Zafar
Greetings, gamers! I'm Kanza, a physics enthusiast turning pixels into passion. Whether conquering Remnant 2, delving into Final Fantasy 16, or eagerly awaiting Starfield, my guides are your roadmap through the cosmos of gaming. Ready to level up?

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